In Avatar, humanity has spread out across the universe in search of resources to replace those that have run out on Earth. A private military forces accompanies a geological survey company to mine for a rare ore that exists only on the planet Pandora. A paraplegic marine gets the chance to walk again by inhabiting the artificially grown body of a Navi, the native intelligent race of the planet. He meets the daughter of the chief, they fall in love after she teaches him about her people and way of life. After a lot of conflict and battle, the marine finds a way to permanently inhabit the body and drive the humans away from the planet, then stays behind to be with the natives and his new girlfriend.
In Disney's Pocahontas, John Smith is a colonist in North America who is in search of gold and other riches to bring back to England. He meets the daughter of the chief of a local native tribe who shows him the beauty of nature. They fall in love, but after conflicts involving there being no gold and other colonists thinking the natives are hiding it, John Smith is shot and must leave for medical treatment in England.
I can see where the stories seem similar, but there are significant and major differences that prove that not only was Avatar only possibly inspired by Disney's film, but that it was no clear copy. Please, save the giant smurf comments for another forum. This is an academic discussion, not a troll.
1) The Navi are a race of people from a alien planet, not just another ethnic group of mankind.
2) The Navi's deities are real and breathing. They can be seen touched, felt and even psychically linked with. In Fact, the planet of Pandora was evolved in a way where all the lifeforms are connected, more so than a simple ecosystem. Even the plants are connected in a great link of psychic energy. The respect the Navi have for the animals they kill is different than that of Native Americans during the colonial period in America. Though the natives knew intuitively that nature works in tandem with humanity, the relationship between humans and nature is very different than that of Pandora.
3) The main character of the story falls in love with the chief's daughter. Is this really so unique a story device that it can be directly compared to Pocahontas? American cinema demands romantic interest in its plots and characters that are important in the world they inhabit. I'd argue that this is more an issue with American storytelling, not two specific stories being linked.
4) Civilized men try to subjugate "savage" natives. It is true that the Navi existed in a comparable stone-age society like that of Native Americans during the colonial period. However, the Navi exist in a state of nature that can never be produced on Earth, as discussed above. They have no need to advance to a more civilized state and likely will never do so.
5) The natives on Avatar drive away the humans, but the natives in America are overcome by the white man.
6) Pocahontas travels to England to marry John Smith, but does not change her species, nor does she take part in warfare against the white man.
These reasons should be enough for the comparisons to end. Avatar is not a retelling of the Disney version of Pocahontas. To think so is to look far too briefly at both stories and to not think deeply of either.
The real Pocahontas was, in practice, a diplomatic disaster between the English and the natives after she was captured by the English, then ransomed off to her people for the return of English hostages and weapons. After the natives were accused of reneging on the deal, Pocahontas was brought to England where she was married to John Rolfe. Notice, that there was no John Smith in the true story. Rolfe had a carnal attraction to the exotic native and marriage was the only legal way for him to claim her, despite the fact that she was married to a native warrior prior to her capture. Her thoughts on the subject are not known. How this story of lust and trade became perverted into the falsehood of Disney's Pocahontas, I do not know. However, I will say that despite the entertainment value of the animated film for children, Disney should never be looked at as even a vaguely correct source of historical information. They are movies for entertainment, nothing more.